In Australia, you have the freedom to choose a path that suits your particular goals. There are thousands of courses on offer.
Whichever course you choose, you’ll experience a unique kind of education. Studying in Australia promotes innovative, creative and independent thinking. You’ll learn to work as part of a team, to communicate effectively with others and to develop the practical skills and intellectual abilities you need for global success.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to use your initiative. Your teachers will encourage you to think of original, practical solutions to real-world problems. Upon graduation, your qualification will make you highly sought after by Australian and international employers.
The Australian education system has a strong international reputation and is known for its effective structure and innovative policy developments. Many other countries, eager to improve their own education systems, turn to Australia for advice.
Australia is also one of the best places to live. It is a young, vibrant and friendly country in which students can live, learn and grow. So if you want a quality education and a good lifestyle, Australia’s the place to be.
Each state government manages the school system within their state. This means that they provide funds and regulation for their schools. Both public schools and private schools exist in each state. The curriculum taught in each state or school may vary but the learning areas are the same in all.
Each state has a Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Further Education (TAFE) system. VET prepares people for work in a career that does not need a university degree. Each state manages their system and meets at a national level to coordinate their effort. VET is transferable between all states. Study done in one state gains the same status in another state. Typically, a VET/TAFE course takes two years of study.
The national government provides the funding for universities in all the states. Each is independent in its governance. They set their courses and course content. A professional body must endorse a course for it to run. Typically, a university course takes three or four years of study.
In the work place employers use agreed courses and outcomes to set standards of training for employment. Many parts of industry and business provide ongoing work place training for their employees. Some of this training can count towards a qualification.
People who are educated overseas can gain recognition of their training. This may help them to get employment.
How We Can Help:
We at AmCan immigration can help you choose the right institute, according to your previous education and will match it with your needs and requirement.
We guide you thru complete application procedure and then assist you to lodge your visa application for study permit with immigration Australia.
We also provide pre departure orientation and assist students in making travel arrangements.